Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Like Falling Off a Blog

It makes no sense for me to be writing a blog, what with my vehement claims against them. Yet, it isn't the concept of blogs that I disagreed with, though they do seem like a global, electronic version of a teenage girl leaving her diary out on the kitchen table. No, I think blogs are alright. I'm just opposed to the word "blog". I think that, since I'm getting older (I'm advancing towards 30 now) I've been adopting the attitude that it's about time I start getting angry about things that don't matter like that old guy that seems to be in every neighborhood who yells at kids to stay out of his yard. The thing I've decided to be angry about, though, is word usage.
The thing is, I can accept Weblog as a word. However, "Blog" is a lazy half word. Moreoever, which more and more people seem to be using lazy half words these days. I heard someone (an adult mind you) in all seriousness use the word "ave" for avenue. You know, like "have" without the "h". "Is that on Grand Ave?" The problem was that this person kept using it as a word. This bugged me more than when those kids cut through my yard and eat my apples.
What is behind this disregard for proper English? The only thing I can guess is that it is a means of saving time and effort. But is it harder and does it seriously take that much longer to say "avenue" than "ave"? Are we so strapped for time that we can not longer finish words? (You may want to stop reading if your averse to the word "consarnit" because it's coming). If we're so strapped for time, what are we spending our time on that requires us to short words like avenue and the already compressed "Weblog"? We're certainly not doing anything productive, that much is clear. I'd let everyone shorten all our words if it meant it freed them up to, say, cure cancer or fight homelessness or make a decent toaster. But no, that's not what's begin done. We're spending all our extra time on the Youtube trying to post a video of ourselves and our idiot friends trying to redo an Okay Go video that's been replicated by every 16 year old with a digital camera, consarnit! (See, it was inevitable). Oh, gotta go. My toast is buring again, consarnit!

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